Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Ordinal Identifier

The ordinal identifier assigns the object a numerical value that indicates its order relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description (objects that have the same values for all properties specified in the mandatory and assistive property lists). This ordered value enables QuickTest to create a unique description when the mandatory and assistive properties are not sufficient to do so.

Changes in the layout or composition of your application page or screen could cause this value to change, even though the object itself has not changed in any way.

In general, there are two types of ordinal identifiers:

Index— Indicates the order in which the object appears in the application code relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description.

Location —Indicates the order in which the object appears within the parent window, frame, or dialog box relative to other objects with an otherwise identical description. Values are assigned from top to bottom, and then left to right.

The Web Browser object has a third ordinal identifier type:

Creation Time — Indicates the order in which the browser was opened relative to other open browsers with an otherwise identical description. Each test object class has a default ordinal identifier selected.

To modify the selected ordinal identifier, select the desired type from the Ordinal identifier box.