How to enable and disable Smart
Scenario:- We need to capture an object(Say WebEdit) and we want
UFT/QTP to uniquely identify the object but it is not able to find any unique
properties to identify that, so how
can we go about it.
can we go about it.
Solution:- We need to take help of Smart identification here as
Mandatory + Assistive(MA) properties are not able to find any unique properties
(We are also ignoring Ordinal identifier )
Enabling Smart identification for an object:-
Step 1:- Tools - Object identification
Step2:- Select the Environment (In our case it is web as we need to configure
for WebEdit)
Enabling Smart identification for an object:-
Step 1:- Tools - Object identification
Step2:- Select the Environment (In our case it is web as we need to configure
for WebEdit)
Step3:-Select the Test Object Class - Check the “Enable Smart Identification”
-- Click “Configure”
Step4:- Set the Base Filter and Optional Filter properties - Click
Step5:- Select the properties from Add/Remove Properties and Ok (We can define our new Property Also)
Step6:-Click Ok on all screens
opened, and we are done and now WebEdit will be identified smartly by UFT
Verify Check:- To verify that enabled object it working as pet the
settings, add object to Object Repository(OR) and check under “Object
Properties” ->“Additional Details”->”Enable smart identification” is
coming as “True”, in case it is not enabled “Enable smart identification”(ESI)
will come as disabled.
Important Points:-
1.Incase ESI, is enabled, we can disable this option for any particular object in OR,
by making setting its value to “False”.
Important Points:-
1.Incase ESI, is enabled, we can disable this option for any particular object in OR,
by making setting its value to “False”.
2.For making this feature disabled for whole script, File->Settings->Run->”Disable Smart Identification during the Run session”
3.In point above, now UFT won’t rely on Smart identification during Run even we have
set this feature enabled for any Object.
4.In case we added any object,
with ESI as Off, UFT won’t use ESI for identification
in future, even though we have enabled it afterwords.
in future, even though we have enabled it afterwords.
5.Taking the example of Web edit, in
case we added it to OR with ESI disabled,
enabling it for webedit after that won’t made the already added webedit to have ESI
enabled and it’ll come as disabled in OR. But for newly added Webedit it will be enabled
enabling it for webedit after that won’t made the already added webedit to have ESI
enabled and it’ll come as disabled in OR. But for newly added Webedit it will be enabled