Action: Set of Statements for perfoming a Task(s)
We divide our test into actions to streamline the process of
Purpose of Actions:
For understandability
For reusing components
Types of Actions:
1) Non Re usable actions
2) Re usable actions
3) External actions
Operations on Actions:
• Creating Actions
• Splitting Actions
• Renaming Actions
• Deleting Actions
• Calling an Action
• Copying an Action
• Making an Action Reusable/Non Reusable
Creating an Action:
Insert>call to new action>enter name of the
action>click ok
1. Create required actions(ex login, insert,delte)
2. Prepare Scripts for those actions.
Splitting an action:
Navigation: Place cursor in desired location>Edit
menu>action>split action>Enter Action 1 name & action 2 name.
1. Generate total test in the default action
2. Split into meaningful actions.
Note: At a time we can split one actions into 2 actions.
Renaming actions:
Select desired action in action drop down box> edit
menu>action>rename action>modify the name>click ok.
Deleting Actions:
Select desired action in action drop down box>edit
menu>action>delete action>confirm deletion.
Calling an action:
Insert>call to existing action>browse path of the
test>select desired action>click ok.
Note: U can’t edit
Copying an action:
Insert>call to copy of action>browse path of the
test>select desired action>click ok.
Note: we can edit this action.
Making an action reusable:
Select Non Reusable action >edit >action>action
properties>check reusable action check box >click ok.