Thursday 16 May 2013

About Expert View in QTP

The expert view displays the VBScript code that corresponds to the steps that one has created for the AUT (Application Under Test) or for a particular business flow.

Purpose of Expert View:

1. To Execute different steps depending on the business flow or Functionl flow.
2. To perform some comparisons Eg: Validation of actual values and expected values.
3. To retrieve information of Run-time Objects.
4. Statement Completion feature presents options for finishing the current vb script line. The feature is useful in several contexts:
i. When you type an object followed by an open paranthesis, QTP displays a list of all test objects of that class in the object repository.
ii. When you type a dot after an object, QTP displays a list of available child objects and methods for the objecct you typed.
iii. When you type a method, QTP displays the syntax and arguments for the method.
5. Also helps in expanding VB Script Syntax
6. Also Provide Context sensitive help

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